quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2015

BBC - Friedrich Nietzsche - Humano, Demasiado Humano

ublicado em 23 de mai de 2013
Humano, Demasiado Humano é uma série de televisão produzida pela BBC. O Documentário apresenta a vida de três proeminentes filósofos europeus: Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger e Jean-Paul Sartre.

O tema deste documentário gira muito em torno da escola de pensamento filosófico conhecido como existencialismo, embora o termo não tinha sido inventado na época da escrita de Nietzsche.

O documentário tem o nome do livro de 1878 escrito por Nietzsche, intitulado Humano, Demasiado Humano: Um Livro para Espíritos Livres. Este episódio conta com entrevistas de grandes estudiosos do pensamento do Nietzsche sendo eles: Ronald Hayman e Leslie Chamberlain (biógrafos de Nietzsche), Andrea Bollinger (arquivista), Reg Hollingdale (tradutor), Will Self (escritor) e Keith Ansell Pearson (filosofa) que sonda a vida e os escritos de Nietzsche. Além de mostrar também o papel da irmã de Nietzsche na edição de suas obras para o uso como propaganda nazista. Contando também com partes de prosas aforísticas extraídas de obras como a parábola de um louco e assim falou Zaratustra, com isto transmitir a essência e o estilo do pensador profético.

Gostou, quer mais videos como esse, deixe seu joinha e se inscreva no canal.

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quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2015

George Carlin. Terrorismo de Estado. subtitulado español.

DOC Dan Hough analisa corrupção no mundo

Publicado em 19 de mar de 2015
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Sou Uma Jornalista Paraibana, Agora Ancorando, Ao Lado De Joseval Peixoto, O SBT BRASIL, Principal Telejornal Do SBT. Faço Comentários Diários Sobre Assuntos Diversos, Cujos Textos Posto Neste Blog. Sou Casada, Tenho Dois Filhos, Sou Realizada, Sou Abençoada Por Deus, Sou Muito Feliz.

Jornalista Paraibana Joseval Peixoto SBT BRASIL Telejornal Do SBT Comentários

Luiz Carlos Prates Rachel Sheherazade Arnaldo Jabor

✰ ★ ✪

Jornalista Paraibana Joseval Peixoto SBT BRASIL Telejornal Do Comentários Luiz Carlos Prates Rachel Sheherazade Arnaldo Jabor "Alexandre Garcia" "Miriam Leitão Alexandre Garcia Miriam Leitão

rachel sheherazade deus seja louvado

rachel sheherazade carnaval

rachel sheherazade Cotas

rachel sheherazade resposta

rachel sheherazade cédulas




Jornalista Paraibana Joseval Peixoto SBT BRASIL Telejornal Do Comentários Luiz Carlos Prates Rachel Sheherazade Arnaldo Jabor "Alexandre Garcia" Miriam Leitão Alexandre Garcia "rachel sheherazade carnaval" "rachel sheherazade Cotas" "rachel sheherazade resposta" "rachel sheherazade cédulas" RachelSheherazade "Rachel Sheherazade" luizcarlosprates "luiz carlos prates" JairBolsonaro
Jair Bolsonaro
Jair Bolsonaro
Jair Bolsonaro LaurenGore1005

Foucault—The Lost Interview

Publicado em 20 de mar de 2014
This until now rarely seen 15-minute footage is of an interview that was conducted by the Dutch philosopher Fons Elders in preparation for the debate between Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault, which was broadcasted on Dutch television on Sunday, Nov. 28, 1971. The whole interview was essentially lost for decades and was published in the winter of 2012 for the first time. It is now available as a book under the title of "Freedom and Knowledge." An excerpt is available for free online on Elder's own website where people can also purchase the actual book (only available there):


The interview in its book form as "Freedom and Knowledge" includes a few more topics and has both an excellent introduction by author of "Mad for Foucault," Lynne Huffer, as well as an answer to her, a preface, and a retrospective appendix, each by Fons Elders.

At the time of the interview Foucault held a chair self-titled "History of Systems of Thought" at the prestigious Collège de France. The exchange between Elders and Foucault, however, took place in Foucault's apartment in Paris on Rue de Vaugirard on Monday, Sept. 13, 1971. The video was subsequently kept in the archives of a Dutch TV building which unfortunately burned. As a result, the fifteen minutes shown here is all that is left of the full interview footage. As you can see, this "Foucault Profile" which was to be shown on Dutch television right before the debate had been pieced together in such a way that Elder's questions are not part of the video and only Foucault can be seen answering Elders' questions. By contrast, "Freedom and Knowledge" includes Elder's questions as part of what he tells me was an interview that was over one hour long. Thankfully, before burning, the whole interview had been professionally hand transcribed from the original French, and the rights had kindly been given over to Elders by Foucault himself at the time of the interview. After being lost from public view for decades—some thirty-one years after the original interview—I would find this very footage, quite by chance, while doing undergraduate research for my two senior theses at Hampshire College. Doing so would eventually lead me to help rescue from oblivion the whole interview years later, allowing me now to have the right to share this video with all of you out there.

When Elders first sent me to work with the interview, he told me: "Translating Foucault is a very difficult task because his style of thinking serves two opposite aims: to express and to hide simultaneously." I thought this was a useful characterization of Foucault's critical thought and kept it in mind as I worked on the exciting interview. I first typed the whole verbatim handwritten document in French, which needed some corrections. Once I had properly edited the entirety of the manuscript, I then proceeded to translate the whole content into English. It is good that the interview finally got published, but arguably for contingent reasons it has not gotten thus far the kind of distribution it deserves. That is part of the reason we feel compelled to share the only video part of it left here. In my opinion, this interview not only makes for an instructive introduction to Foucault's work, but it also goes with uncommon ease deeply into some of the breadth of Foucault's far-reaching project. It is situated it seems at a kind of mid point in his career: after "The Order of Things" and "The Archaeology of Knowledge," but before "Discipline and Punish" and "The History of Sexuality."

The English translation was here modified slightly to fit the video format, and in a couple of places it was even perhaps somewhat improved. I am putting this video live for all to see with Fons Elder's permission and encouragement. I am grateful for his support with this project over the years and for that of others, including Judith Butler, Lynne Huffer, Donna Riley, Katie Wallick, Mark Achbar, Herbert J. Bernstein, Noam Chomsky, Christoph Cox, Didier Eribon, Ralph Hexter, Toon Zweers, as well as others whom out of respect must remain nameless here.

As might be noticeable to viewers, the Foucault "profile" presented here is a montage that puts together several parts of the whole interview. As such, it does not fully follow the original interview chronologically, putting together parts that work but which are not faithful to the natural flow of the live interview. To show wherever I believe such interruptions to have taken place I have included ellipses ("...") in the subtitles. For an unaltered flow of the interview, we encourage you to go on Elder's website and check out "Freedom and Knowledge."

Elders and I are currently working on getting my typed French transcript (based on the handwritten version that I worked from since late 2009) published in France in its original French.

We hope this interview will provide you with much food for critical thought.

terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2015

Para não esquecer a ação dos europeus na África - século 20

Publicado em 13 de dez de 2013
Esse vídeo é uma parte de um antigo documentário e fala da Invasão da Etiópia ou Abissínia (pelos Italianos) feita por Mussolini em 1934. Desculpe a qualidade mas na é a imagem da Época.
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BBC - Os reinos perdidos da África vol. 2 Etiópia legenda pt. Brasil Publicado em 24 de set de 2013 Série: Lost Kingdoms of Africa, BBC. 2010. episódio: Ethiópia legendas em português: José Rivair Macedo Categoria Educação Licença Licença padrão do YouTube

primeira Guerra.Mundial o fim de uma era dublado

Publicado em 2 de mar de 2013
primeira Guerra.Mundial o fim de uma era dublado

sexta-feira, 10 de abril de 2015

Sobre Anos 60 - Jean-Claude Bernardet - Panorama Histórico Brasileiro (t...

Enviado em 11 de mar de 2009
Sobre Anos 60 (São Paulo, 2000, 29'25'')
Direção: Jean-Claude Bernardet
Programa 13, da série Panorama Histórico Brasileiro, que é composta por 15 curtas-metragens e faz uma síntese de períodos da história do Brasil.

Sinopse: Este programa propõe uma reflexão sobre a os anos 60 no Brasil a partir de sua memória audiovisual. Com trechos de textos e opiniões de Lygia Clark, Augusto Boal e Torquato Neto, entre outros, cenas de filmes e manchetes de jornais, o documentário permite que a década de 1960 fale por ela mesma.

Veja trechos dos outros curtas da série Panorama Histórico Brasileiro: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

Roda Viva | Hector Babenco | 13/01/2014

Transmitido ao vivo em 13 de jan de 2014
Hector Babenco é o entrevistado do Roda Viva desta segunda-feira. Entre os assuntos da entrevista estão sua trajetória, o cenário dos cinemas brasileiro e mundial e os desafios de filmar no País.

Jean-Claude Bernardet

Publicado em 9 de ago de 2013

sexta-feira, 3 de abril de 2015

Evolução da Informática - Dos primeiros computadores à internet

Publicado em 15 de abr de 2012
Compilação de alguns vídeos sobre o assunto: Evolução dos computadores, sua utilização, primeiros games, interfaces, surgimento da internet no mundo, primeiras experiências no Brasil.
Se você gostou do vídeo clica aí no joinha e compartilha com seus amigos!

Quando sentimos raiva, chamamos vingança de justiça.

Publicado em 26 de fev de 2014
Porção do Programa Papo de Graça - Caio Fábio - 01/07/2013

Steven Levitt: The freakonomics of McDonalds vs. drugs

Enviado em 16 de jan de 2007
http://www.ted.com Freakonomics author Steven Levitt presents new data on the finances of drug dealing. Contrary to popular myth, he says, being a street-corner crack dealer isnt lucrative: It pays below minimum wage. And your boss can kill you.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers are invited to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes -- including speakers such as Jill Bolte Taylor, Sir Ken Robinson, Hans Rosling, Al Gore and Arthur Benjamin. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, politics and the arts. Watch the Top 10 TEDTalks on TED.com, at

Abortions and Crime: Freakonomics Movie

Enviado em 29 de ago de 2011
Levitt takes you through his research on the relationship between dropping crime and the legalization of abortion.

Clip from the 2010 documentary "Freakonomics: The Movie". A dream team of directors explore the hidden side of everything.

Milton Friedman on Libertarianism and Humility

Enviado em 31 de out de 2011
On August 14, 1990, at the International Society for Individual Liberty's 5th World Libertarian Conference, Milton Friedman took a step back from the details of public policy issues and discussed basic libertarian beliefs and values. "I have no right to coerce someone else," he said, "because I cannot be sure that I'm right and he is wrong."

Read more about and by Milton Friedman at http://www.Libertarianism.org

Download an .mp3 version of this lecture here: http://bit.ly/xIHn2w

Milton Friedman - Drugs should be Legalized

Enviado em 3 de dez de 2011
Nobel laureate in economics Milton Friedman says that the criminalization of certain drugs undermines respect for the law and creates "a decadent moral climate." He states that legalizing drugs like marijuana and cocaine would "thus strike a double blow; reduce crime activity directly, and at the same time increase the efficacy of law enforcement and crime prevention."
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quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2015

«L'Illustration» pretigieuses archives d'histoire, désormais accessible ...

Publicado em 1 de ago de 2013
"L'Illustration" : un siècle d'histoire désormais consultable sur internet
Publié le 30/07/2013 à 18H11, mis à jour le 31/07/2013 à 10H39
Ce fut sans doute le premier "news magazine" de l'histoire. Durant un siècle de 1843 à 1944, "L'Illustration" va littéralement révolutionner la presse mondiale en introduisant l'image et en s'offrant les services des meilleurs journalistes, écrivains, dessinateurs puis photographes. Un siècle d'histoire de France et du monde désormais accessible sur internet

"Pour retracer l'histoire du vieux et du nouveau continent depuis 1843, il suffirait de feuilleter la collection complète de "L'Illustration", le plus grand, et le plus beau des périodiques illustrés, qui se publie tant en France qu'à l'étranger". Voici ce que disait Maurice Normand, rédacteur en chef du magazine de 1903 à 1923.

En un siècle d'existence entre 1843 et 1944, "L'Illustration" a été le miroir de tous les grands évènements mais aussi de la vie quotidienne en France et ailleurs. Premier média français, puis mondial, il comptera des abonnés dans 150 pays dont plus de 40000 aux Etats-Unis. Surnommé "la plus vivante des encyclopédies universelles", le magazine a révolutionné la presse en accordant une place majeure aux images, presques introuvables dans les autres journaux, et en décidant d'être un journal neutre, indépendant des partis et de tout esprit partisan, contrairement à ses concurrents.

Autre marque de fabrique du journal, la participation de signatures prestigieuses comme Alphonse Daudet, Edmond Rostand, Tristan Bernard, Georges Courteline, Pierre Loti, Clémenceau ou encore Anatole France. Enfin "L'Illustration" se démarque en mettant en place des moyens impressionnants pour toujours être le premier à relater les grands évènements et l'actualité des cinq continents.

Aujourd'hui ce contenu d'une richesse inouie est accessible aux chercheurs et au grand public sur internet. Jean-Sébastien Baschet, l'un des descendants de la famille qui fût propriétaire du journal à partir de 1903, a décidé de numériser l'intégralité des 5 293 numéros soit 180 000 pages consultables sur abonnement.

Things Europe Never Invented: Ancient Chinese Inventions Pt1

Enviado em 21 de out de 2007
Europeans often claim they are superior based on "their" inventions. But as this Discovery Channel documentary shows, Europeans merely copied many inventions that originated in The East.

Marco Polo: Journey to the East

Publicado em 16 de ago de 2014
Leading historians and historic re-enactments bring the fabled journeys of the world's most famous adventurer to life. His epic adventures in the Far East remain among the most celebrated journeys in human history. His writings gave Europeans their first authoritative look at life in that distant land.

Marco Polo will forever be remembered as one of the greatest explorers and adventurers in history. His 20-year sojourn took him to China, India, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. He served in the court of the Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan and for three years governed the city of Yangzhou.

Extensive excerpts from The Travels of Marco Polo capture the magic and wonder of his journey, while historians reveal what is known of his private life. See how his famous trip was actually the second undertaken by his family, and discover how his capture by Genoan forces in 1298 led to the writing of his historic book. It's a thrilling account of one of the greatest adventures in human history, and a revealing portrait of the man who went where others dared not dream.

Watch more documentaries on our site: http://jabajabba.com/oculardelusions